The Love Generator

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Janna Hayes Janna Hayes

Romance Writing 101: How to get started in 2023

Do you have romantic stories swirling around in your head? Do you dream of being a 21st Century Jackie Collins?

It’s not just the love that’s got budding writer’s putting pen to paper. Being a romance writer is quickly becoming a VERY lucrative pastime. In fact, according to Romance Writers of America the romance fiction industry is worth $1.08 billion dollars a year, making romance the highest earning genre of fiction!

So how do you get started as a romance writer? It’s not as hard as you might think. Get cozy with a cup of tea and read on for our tips on how to get yourself writing and published!

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Janna Hayes Janna Hayes

Our Top Ten Romance Books inpired by real-life events

Real-life love stories have inspired some of the most beloved romance novels of all time. From the classic tales of Jane Austen to the modern-day romances of Nicholas Sparks, these stories have captured the hearts of readers for generations. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most famous romances inspired by real-life and explore what made them so compelling.

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